
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020: The Requisite New Year's Post

Welcome to 2020: The Requisite New Year's Post

As 2019 passes into the annals of history as possibly one of the most irritating years in I can recall, 2020 takes its place. It's the time of the year when folks re-evaluate their lives and look ahead to what they'd like to achieve in the coming year. I suppose I should do the same, but let's focus mostly on writing. What lies ahead for AR DeClerck?

As you know, I'm not a full-time writer. It's not my day job and it likely never will be. I consider myself a hobbyist writer and that suits me fine. I seldom spend time worrying about making money from writing; I tend to want to make sure that I break even and make back whatever I spend and that's about it. I love to write stories because it provides a creative outlet for me, and because I want to give readers the opportunity to read stories that I also love. I like to imagine readers closing my books and smiling, happy that, for a time, they were transported to another place or time and found respite inside the world I created. 

So, what does this mean for me in 2020? I don't plan to change my overall goal of writing for myself and for readers, so what, exactly, am I planning?

Let's see. My goals are as follows:

  • Write authentic stories. Tell the truth of my characters and myself in every word I write. 
  • Amp up the emotional impact. Never let a reader walk away ambivalent.
  • Work on spending time on the moments that matter while maintaining pace and tension. Say more with less. 
  • Have fun. Don't stress. 
  • Have goals. I always feel better when I accomplish things. 
  • Use my bullet journal as a guided focus method for keeping my mind on the story at hand. Don't get distracted by shiny new ideas.
  • Work on wrapping up existing series first, before starting anything new.

And that's it, folks. Simple. Hard. Terribly difficult and as easy as pie all at the same time. I am looking forward to taking my writing up a level, having an IMMENSE amount of fun while I'm at it, and finding new readers who are as excited about my writing as I am. 

Happiest of New Years to you, readers. In the end, my hope is that you find joy, peace and adventure inside the pages of whatever book you open. 

Happy Reading!

AR DeClerck


  1. Having fun is key. If you're enjoying what you're doing, it'll come across to readers and they'll enjoy your works more too!

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