
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Cyborg Sunday: Meet Primary One

Meet Primary One

Hello and welcome to Cyborg Sunday. If you're here of your own free will, I thank you. If the cyborgs dragged you here to assimilate you-- well, just try to relax and enjoy it!

Let's do a little bit of background about my particular group of cyborgs before we introduce today's character. The year was 2638. A group of monks, certain that their mission was heaven-sent, created a secret project to explore how the use of cybernetics might help prolong the most precious gift: life. The project was Aeon Project, and Primary One was their first subject. Flash forward a few decades and MANY tragedies later, and Primary One is now free of the monks and the military who later took over the project. He lives on a backwater planet in the ERCA Territories with his four sons. He takes pleasure in growing plants and nourishing them, just as he tries to heal the many wounds, both psychological and physical, that his sons bear. 

One is a quiet man, whose anger and rage long ago burned down into smoldering embers. He managed to put aside most of his personal grief so that he can take care of his sons. When the army began to worry that One was too attached to his family, they separated him from his wife and implanted a chip in his brain to control him. One's sons, after enduring countless experiments of their own, also ended up with the implant. Their mother disappeared, and they became part of an elite force fighting for the military. One was able to break the hold the government had on his mind, and eventually he was able to free his sons. They ran, and never looked back. 

FLASH FORWARD to 2677. Sharyn has shared a staggering bit of news with One and the other cyborgs. Their mother, One's wife, is still alive. After their separation, the military put her into cryostasis in a defunct lab near Dead Man's Drift. Upon learning that Yurie is still alive, One races to find her and bring her home. DARK STAR is book 2 of the Aeon Project series, and it will tell the story of One and Yurie reuniting after twenty three long years. 

I'll tell you a quick secret about One. He is one of the sweetest, most gentle characters in An Enduring Sun. He says so many profound things, and the way he loves his sons is undeniable. But, in Dark Star, you will get to see another side to Primary One. The raw, dark side that would do anything to protect those he loves. And I do mean ANYTHING. The thing about One is that his deep sense of loyalty and honor wasn't something that the monks or the military could give him-- he was born with it. It makes him a fearsome opponent and a dedicated husband. These are some of the many reasons that I have deeply enjoyed writing One's journey back to Yurie. 

"If they find out who we are, they'll come for us," Ren said.

"Let them come. It's time they faced what they made. If they can."

Despite his understanding of what they are, and what they've done, One deeply believes that he and his sons deserve a chance at real happiness. He is the first to tell his sons that they can't run from their past forever. Standing to fight is the only way they can keep the peace they have stolen for themselves. When it comes to Yurie, however, One has more fear than he ever showed on the battlefield. She is the one person who could break him with a rejection, or make him whole with a kiss. 

Thanks for stopping by (or being dragged in) to Cyborg Sunday. Stay tuned for next week, when we meet Ren's younger brother and One's second son-- VEX. 

Dark Star is book 2 of the Aeon Project series, and will release in the summer of 2017 from Challis Tower Books and the Takamo Universe Project.

Catch up on the series now, and pick up An Enduring Sun, book 1, at the retailer of your choice. 

Wanna read the previous blog post to catch up on my cyborg heroes? Find it HERE.

Until next time remember:


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